Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Review of Journal Article #2

Name : Jason Scherwinski
Title of article : Doesn’t say
Author and brief background : Doesn’t say
Journal title and volume number : Doesn’t day
Date of submission: Doesn’t say
                So, there’s this girl who’s a photographer for a news type thing, at least that’s what I think. She takes a picture of a kid sitting in an unfinished house who’s just exploring out of curiosity, and she gets in huge trouble for it. She almost ends of in jail for three years because of this. It said something about how “the images of the human face seem sad and anxious , they are portrayed against an excessively pathetic background,” also, “ This vision excludes the beautiful landscape of our homeland, the remarkable spaces of our cities.”
                The key points are above, I think.
                What did if find striking or interesting? Nothing really.
                How relevant would this be if this happened to me? I don’t like taking pictures.
                What do I agree with or disagree with? Well, I agree that you could tell the house was being remodeled, but I kind of agree that if you don’t look close enough, it could be taken the wrong way.
                This article hasn’t influenced me in thinking deeply about my values, beliefs or assumptions.
                I don’t really want to know more because it’s boring.

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