Thursday, April 7, 2011

Review of Journal Article #4

Name : Jason Scherwinski
Title of article : Doubts Raised on Book’s Tale of Atom Bomb
Author and brief background : William J. Broad
Journal Title and volume number : Doesn’t say, I think
Date of submission : February 20, 2010
                So, there’s this guy, Charles Pellegrino, who wrote a book about the atomic destruction of Hiroshima. One of the guys he interviewed, Joseph Fuoco, supposedly was a last-minute substitute on one of the planes that escorted the Enola Gay, the plane that dropped the bomb. He was a substitute to a James R. Corliss, or so Pellegrino thought. It turns out that Corliss never was sick, he was on the plane. Corliss’s family has evidence such as a photograph of him receiving a medal for his role in the bombing, some hand written notes on what the explosion was like, records of him being there, etc. The hand written notes said “When the bomb went off it was so bright that I had to squint,” wrote about how the plane continued to circle the cloud. “All the time it was churning all around, sometimes inside out, with red, yellow, purple and brown colors.” Whereas, Mr. Fuoco’s widow, Claire, had no evidence of him being on the flight at all.
                Main points are above.
                I found it interesting that the guy would lie about something like that.
                I don’t think this could possible happen to me, unless I get my hands on a time machine.
                I disagree with Mr. Fuocco’s decision on lying about something like this.
                This article has, yet again, not affected how I think deeply about my values, beliefs, and assumptions.
                If I wanted to know more about this I could just read the book.

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